
Mobile Applications Overview

Are you looking for your business apps to be built on mobile platforms?  NST has certified mobile end-to-end solutions for iOS & Android mobile platforms.  We offer well versed design and implement the highest and richest user experience with less affordability.

At NST, we develop high quality native or hybrid applications for popular mobile platforms iOS or Android.  Our team can handle all sizes of mobile development from small apps to enterprise apps, covering user stories right through to app store optimization. Our top priority and object is to make sure you achieve the richest UI design experience that your customers expect.

Why Choose Us

  • We have highly experienced and certified professionals.
  • We provide custom and tailored solutions based on your business needs and budget.
  • We perform best automation testing and quality practices for your business product.
  • We strictly follow all the project management guidelines based on PMI guidelines.
  • We will provide excellent support even after delivery of the product.

What benefits you get?

  • Ideation
  • Design and proto typing
  • Development and quality assurance
  • Deployment and support
  • Affordable budget
  • Customer tailored apps for your business needs
  • Extensive support for your business systems & applications.


Some of the technologies what we use based on your business needs.

  • iOS, Objective-C, Xcode – for iPhone, iPod and iPad.
  • Android SDK, Java – for Android phones and tablets.